Parabolic SAR known as one of the indicators of the price in technical analysis. Use tools It aims to recognize the reversal of the tendency of price trends, as the name suggests SAR: Stop and Reverse. This tool was first introduced by J. Welles Wilder Jr., in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems. In addition to having a role as an indicator of reversal, Parabolic SAR has been generally used as a tool to determine the level of stop loss or exit points.
Name Parabolic SAR was taken from the display indicator is formed by a series of point-tick resembles a parabola. There are two parameters in the method of calculation Parabolic SAR. The first parameter is called Step, deciding the location of the SAR point to price. The higher location Step are, the more sensitive the performance of the indicator. So that the intensity fluctuations SAR (Upward or downward price) is high. This results in many failures that complicate the prediction and anticipation.
The second parameter is Maximum Step, a number that set point adjustment SAR against further price movement. The higher the number is visible, the closer the point SAR to the next price movement. Vice versa, Maximum Step Low will keep the point SAR or Trailing Stop of the price movement. Wilder, the inventor, recommend value Step and Maximum left on value default 0.02 and 0.2.
As with other indicators in general, I c parabolic SAR works well when prices are in a condition uptrend or downtrend. While the condition sideway, Parabolic SAR often produce a signal that fails, or is generally known by the term whipsaw.
In order to overcome these problems, Wilder suggested the use of Parabolic SAR indicator combined with other trends. The
indicator serves as a guide that gives confirmation whether the ongoing
trend has been inadequate, both in terms of the direction and quality. Users should really identify trends very well, for example by using indicators ADX. Only then will take a position using Parabolic SAR in the direction of the new trend is identified.
Here is usability and how the indicator Parabolic SAR:
- Recognize price trend
You do this by observing the movement of dots SAR or dot which in
below or above the price movement.
- T ren rise occurs when the price moves above SAR
- Down trend occurs when prices move below SAR
- Posts and Exit
You do this by observing the price movement of the dots SAR on
the top and bottom in the indicator.
- Buy when the price passed the point SAR top
- Sell when the price passed the point SAR bottom
- Signal Exit or Stop appears when the input signal occurs opposite positions
Calling Parabolic SAR way into your Graph
To call Parabolic SAR into your graph, click the menu insert. Select indicator> trend > Parabolic SAR.
You can also do the same thing by clicking on the icon on the indicator Toolbar, then select d trends and parabolic SAR.
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